Vista has installed sucessfully. I have managed to get the default image down to 4.96 GB. You can make it even smaller by removing the SP1 uninstall files by running VSP1CLN.exe. This will free up another 800mb. Vista is using less space than Dells default XP install.

Once Vista has been installed you will notice that there are a few drivers missing. Before I did anything I installed the Dell 910 chipset drivers for Vista and rebooted. This next step is where the folder you saved from the XP image comes into play. Right click your devices even if Vista has detected them and installed default drivers, select update and then choose to search for the driver manually, when you are promted to choose a path select the drivers folder and it will go though and update the devices.
Hi, great posts about getting Vista on the Mini. I took delivery of mine yesterday and spent last night getting Vista on it. Everything's great (thanks to your tips!) except for one tiny niggle. I've had to disable the scrolling on the touchpad because if I accidentally brush horizontal scroll when not in something that will scroll that way (like desktop!) the mouse locks up and I have to restart / logoff to get the mouse back. You haven't seen this have you?
Thanks again!
yep good points, I have also disabled touchpad and just used the standard vista drivers.
Where did you find the Chipset Drivers for Vista?
Dell Inspiron mini 10 Drivers
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