Monday, September 15, 2008


Hi All

I am a proud owner of the new netbook called the dell mini 9, this is causing quite a buzz around the web due to its specifications and upgradability. The aim of this blog is to be a spot to collate and share useful hints, tips, modifications, os upgrades and more. I like to push the boundaries and really want to see what this little device is capable of. If you also feel you want to contribute to this blog please contact me.

1 comment:

Rick White said...

Just wanted to stop in and say thanks for the great information. I just got the Mini 9 for my girlfriend for Christmas, and while waiting for it to arrive I have been reading all of your posts. I got her's with Ubuntu and will install Vista on it (I'd stick with Ubuntu but she'd hate it.)

It just came today, so I'll do my best to add anything useful while I reformat to Vista!